2011 Junior Orange Bowl Basketball Clinic

Full video access here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eyJcezxqJ8
Concern with a lack of fundamentals, even in the NBA
Start our practice with fundamentals every single day
Conditioning — this is a 94 foot game
How do you manage a team with superior talent?
Demand all players are treated the same.
Jay Wright: everyone’s role is different, but everyone’s status is the same.
They want structure and they want routine.
Must be competent, know the game. It never stops.
Must manage personalities.
Being a Head Coach
One seat over: AC to HC is a monstrous difference.
Build relationships into your schedule, 10 minutes with each players per week.
Integrity: be who you say you are. Admit you’re wrong or when you messed up.
Media: never take anything personally. They’re just doing their job. This constant pressure brought our group closer together.
Focus On The Process
Championship level defence was what we took pride in, Miami Heat staple.
Learn how to play together, always a challenge with a new team.
Feel fortunate and grateful every single day.
Put together a staff improvement program: studying Europe, NBA, College amongst our staff.
Late Game Plays
In the NBA you’re kept in a constant state of humility, by how good the coaching is.
Doc Rivers — High School
0.7 seconds left, down 1
Stole this play while watching his son in a high school game.
We never thought they would run a lob for Rondo.

Detroit Pistons
0.7 seconds left, down 1
Backdoor lob for their worst player

Don Nelson
Down 1, 0.5 seconds left
Never seen a gate play as a back screen, we thought they were going the other way.

Chicago Bulls
Great versus the switch out
Creates confusion with the flare screen, multiple options to get a shot

San Antonio Spurs
Pop = genius
Down 2, 3 seconds left
Simple play for Ginobli on his left hand (I have drawn play on the wrong side)

Ending Thoughts
The game has been good to us, so make sure you give back to the game.