2015 Coaching U Live Clinic Notes. Ed Tapscott (NBA GM, CEO, Head coach)
Started the Charlotte Bobcats.
If you’re a coach, there’s so many great things you can do in the world.
The speed of the boss is the speed of the team.
Thou shalt commit to the mastery of yourself
Can’t teach what you don’t know, can’t lead where you don’t go.
Don’t stress team values, then talk about yourself all the time.
2. Thou shalt believe and trust in the sanctity of the team
The we of us is better than the me of of us.
Let your team participate in creating their values.
3. Thou shalt create a team philosophy that creates a team culture
Ownership and buy in.
Doc Rivers: not buy in but BELIEVE in.
Values drive our decisions, makes it very easy.
4. Thou shalt engage with all of your team
Planning, execution, evaluation, feedback.
5. Thou shalt develop and mission statement and define roles
Organised teams compete harder with a focused purpose.
Don’t assume everybody is on board just because you have the title coach.
6. Thou shalt learn to delegate
Delegation is trust, do not micromanage.
Creates empowerment, allows people to thrive and do their job to the best of their ability.
7. Thou shalt allow initiative and autonomy, but they shall be held accountable
Bring something for the good of the team.
Do not squeeze all of the authority.
8. Thou shalt develop metrics
Tools to manage the measurable.
Objective way to communicate with your team.
Motivates your group, focus on the wildly important things.
9. Thou shalt understand the difference between authority and power
Power is personal, something you earn through relationships.
Develop your power, know what motivates your people.
10. Thou shalt hire slowly and fire quickly
Your team is the most important concern.
Burden of leadership, you have to do some bad things but it doesn’t mean you have to do them badly.
BONUS: Communicate, communicate, communicate
Don’t be afraid to have hard conversations.
Don’t let others command your narrative.
Must be generationally adaptable.
A leader creates the message and commands the narrative.
Articulate a vision and get others to carry it out.
Coca-Cola on hiring:
Character — non negotiable, it is about all of us.
Competence — can be taught.
Define and find the go getters in your organisation, offer opportunities.