The following notes are from a clinic presented by Adam Caporn, the Head Coach of the Basketball Australia Centre of Excellence Men as well as the Assistant Coach of our Australian Boomers. The CoE, formerly known as the Australian Institute of Sport has been home to some of Australia’s finest young basketball athletes including Patty Mills, Matthew Dallavedova & Dante Exum to name a few. The clinic was conducted in May 2018 at the Basketball Australia Coaches Conference, with tremendous detail and insight into an offensive system. There was a tonne of information, and I’m positive I have missed some things (apologies).
Ball Security is very important.
Shot Selection — lay ups, free throws, 3pt shots
We want to get 80% of those shots
Lots of contested finishing and passing.
Must have heat on the rim, via the pass or penetration.
There’s value and need for the other shots, just not our priority.
No zone offence, run your man to man and stay aggressive.
(a) Offensive Rules 4v0
Pass down you cut, pass up you space.
Can cut ‘through’ or ‘X’ off the ball defenders back.
Penetrate: wood chop — first to score, second to pass.
Wood chop = pivot and rip the ball through, like you are chopping wood. Bent knees, bent elbows
Kick out: catch or shoot or pass, no re-penetration.
b) 4v3 to 4v4 Full Court
- Shot attempt 4th defender comes to box out.
We love middle penetration through the elbows.
© 2v2 Penetration Rules
‘Circle’ or ‘Drop’

(d) 3v3 Penetration Rules

(e) Blood Drill
Drill continues full court.
x1 cannot move until offence gets to the circle.
Fits with our press attack, bust middle.

(f) 2v2 Big Catch Above
Swing = I’m open, No = back cut on first bounce
Pass to back cut with your head.
Big catch = check high low, wood chop, move the ball.

(G) 4v4 Pinch

(H) Middle Pick & Roll
Mix, Hammer, Lift, Gets, Short
(i) Side Pick & Roll

(j) Post Options
Pop, CAP (curl & pop), Double
Becomes it’s own offence. Patient cutters is critical.
Uphill DHO if nothing.

Set Play — Diamond
Flows into elbows, middle pick and roll, post options.

Transition Rules
Anyone can inbound, as quickly as possible.
PG options: kick, cross and kick, bust the middle.
Run for space and sweep the floor.
Use ‘terror’ screens in transition, near half way to release the point guard.
Set Play — Corner Rip

Secondary Break — Pistol/Delay

Resources — Game Tape
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If you would like to continue the basketball conversation, provide your thoughts or ideas please message me on Twitter @jackfleming1 or e-mail me at flemingjack1995@gmail.com.