Morning pages.

The tragedy in life is to miss real beauty, when it is right in front you.
So self ruminated, that your magical outer surroundings passed you by.
The equanimity of nature, it has no judgement or expectation.
It's only focused on being, but are you aware enough to take in it's intensity and mysticism?
Desire can be a contract to be unhappy until you get what you want.
And then some.
What you want is a mirage, moving just far enough or growing just big enough for you to live in a constant state of dissatisfaction.
The mental space of complete presence is at your fingertips, if you'll ever let go of the dopamine chase.
The desire circuit is nothing but a snake oil salesman.
When the best hour of your day is with yourself, the world has very little to offer you.
When you feel the sun in your eyes, the sand at your feet and the cold water in your ankles you experience real, true quiet. Quiet of the monkey mind.
A certain awareness that only comes after submission, letting go..
That allows you to play your own game, the unique game that only you can play.
Because the real question is not, how do I win the game - but am I playing the right game?
Worship the money game, and you'll always feel not rich enough.
Worship the power game, and you'll always feel weak and afraid.
Worship the intellectual game, and you'll always feel not smart enough.
Get off the hedonic treadmill, before you look back and realise you spent a decade gradually slipping into wanting what is imitative, not intrinsic.
Before you realise you're stuck in the rat race, the gnawing sense of not having, some infinite thing.
The goal is to follow your genuine curiosity;
Without attachment.
Without expectations.
Without trying so hard.
Real freedom involves attention and awareness.
There is nothing missing today.
Recommended Reading
Wanting: Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life by Luke Burgis