Two books that are a little less known but will be highly valuable to your coaching craft. Dream Teams by Shane Snow & Die Empty by Todd Henry. My sneak peak takeaways are below:
Dream Teams by Shane Snow

Cognitive Diversity
- Differences are gifts: perspectives and heuristics
- Cognitive diversity: are different angles and views is how we break the mould
- Provocation: “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”
- We need critics, whistle-blowers and crazy ideas to break intertia and get us in the zone
- Extreme viewpoints: whether they are right or wrong it makes us think critically
- Cognitive expansion = crazy ideas spark other ideas
- Don’t ignore any perspectives spend time in deep consideration
- Einstein: after finding the needle in the haystack, I would look through every strand of hay and explore all possibilities.
Super-ordinate Goal: one that takes precedent over all others
- Unites the most different of people
- Enemy of my enemy is my friend
- You cannot push your level of knowledge if you don’t collaborate with other smart people. You have to do the work yourself and be challenged.
- Successful companies have cult like values. However the atmosphere most likely to induce creativity is diametrically opposed to shared values.
- Not all values are created equal, we must value inclusion of others intentions.
Intellectual Humility
- Multiculturalism helps our lateral thinking
- How much time do we spend among different coaches from other sports?
- How much time do we spend living and immersed in other cultures?
Power of StoryTelling
- Increases oxytocin in the brain, emotional connection that provides us with greater memory and incentive.
- Use stories to create an emotional response, creates a real experience.
Die Empty by Todd Henry

- Great work requires suffering for something greater than yourself
- All passion is not crated equal
- What problems are you uniquely equipped to handle? Must solve problems for people, you were put on this earth for others not yourself.
- What have you been ignoring that you know you should be doing?
- You have to stand for something, or else you will be mercy to falling for everything.
1. What will I stand for today? What do you refuse to compromise on?
2. What one action will move the project forward today?
3. What can I say NO to that is going to help narrow my focus?
4. What hope do you have for creating change?
- Where is your sacred space?
- Connect the dots between a problem people have, your grand solution.
- Identify your knowledge gap and push the needle forward.
- Commit to asking better questions.
- Stop waiting for a map, stop waiting because its comfortable.
- Where in your life are you waiting for permission?
- Seinfeld writers: jokes daily, refused to break the chain of momentum.
- If we don’t reflect daily we stagnate, identify the patterns that are holding you back.
- Where am I putting myself ahead of the work? Sacrifice your ego.
- Do not coast on your previous efforts?
- Apply peripheral aptitudes to your work: keep bringing new opportunities and don’t just keep allowing predictable results to follow.
- Hone and trust your instincts to keep innovating your best work.
Critical Friends
- Must have probing conversations with arguments to come up with your greatest ideas.
- Get together with somebody who can be brutally honest with you.
- Impossible to accomplish something that you cannot define. Where are you going?
- Clarity creates effectiveness.
- Don’t let fear of failure cost you delivering your best work, get out of the GREY zone.
Do you live in design or default? Get out of default mode and live your greatest life.