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Basketball Net


Blog: Welcome

The Illusion of Choice

“The fact of the matter is, if you want to be good, you really don’t have a lot of choices, because it takes what it takes. Every person...

False Badges of Honour in Coaching

There are a lot of things we tend to brag about as coaches, whether deliberately or not - that are not worth bragging about. The common...

Our Emotions, Are Our Problems

On tough days we might say my job is over whelming, or my players are infuriating me. If only we can understand that this is impossible....

Rumbling with Vulnerability

“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome....

How to Avoid Bad Practices

Well, last night's practice with my U16 boys club team we probably had our worst practice out of the 8 we have had. This happens, it...

Top 40 Lessons I Learned in 2020

Well what a year.. here are my top 40 lessons of 2020. I encourage you to do your own, it is the article I look forward to writing the...

Winning or Development - Why Not Both?

Crunch or soft tacos was the argument in the famous Old El Paso advertisement, with this famous young girl who kindly suggested why don't...

You Are Always Trying Out

Back in Melbourne, the land of junior trials are up and running again. While it is a slightly different context remaining Covid safe, all...

If You Can't, Then You Must.

We all have attachments in our life, the things we cling to that become part of our identity. The player who is attached to getting their...

Kevin Goorjian: A PhD in Relationships

Kevin Goorjian is the Head Boys Basketball Coach at Box Hill Senior Secondary College, and has been for 18 years. He spent 10 years in...

The Pitfalls of Categorical Thinking

"The traditional learning environment inhibits the cross-pollination of ideas. It’s led to a world of isolated subjects where...

JOMO - The Joy of Missing Out

One of the curses of particular myself, and I can only assume I'm not the only one - is this constant dopamine crunch to always be...

Top 40 Lessons I Learned in 2018

I hope for my top 40 lessons to be an encouragement for you to try and do your own, as an opportunity to reflect and learn from your...

Blog: Blog2
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